Novartis Set Your Sights
With glaucoma, vision loss could lead to irreversible blindness. An idea that feels scary in theory, but we wanted to educate people on the importance of regular eye exams and early detection of glaucoma in a more visceral way. So we created a spot for the Novartis “Set Your Sights” global campaign that told the story of man who loss his sight over time and how it impacts him and his family’s life.
VO: I was so excited to see his first steps
I wanted to watch everything he did next
But as he grew, my field of vision shrank
It was as if I was missing what was right in front of me
I tried to live big, even when the world around me got smaller
I saw so many moments of his…
…I don’t want to miss any of hers.
Accomplices: Julian Gallo, ACD